Sunday, September 7, 2008

Baby Girl

Here is my baby girl. Yes, I still call her that even though she is almost 12 years old. She will always be my baby. Isn't she beautiful???
Mo is the best. I don't tell her that enough and I am working on it. Sometimes I am way too hard on her. Todd tells me to lighten up and he's right. I want Mo and I to have the best relationship possible. If I don't relax with isn't going to happen.
She was the only kid around our house until she was almost seven. She completely embraced her role as big sister to twins...and then to Addi close to two years ago. She is growing into a wonderful, loving, caring, sweet, strong willed, faithful, compassionate young woman. It is happening too fast for me. I want time to stand still for a little longer so that I can cherish her more. Before I know it she will be grown and out of the house. But for now.....we're making the most of it.
We started our chapter of homeschool last Tuesday. J and P also began preschool that day so we just had Addi with us. Morgan did great. We dropped the twinkies off and was back home by 10. We ate breakfast and got to work on her studies. We did have some music playing and she was able to focus on her work. Every once in a while we kidded and played around some. It was a very laid back environment, no stress to get it all done. Mo went at her own pace and before we knew it she was finished and it was almost time to pick up J and P.
I really have a complete peace about homeschooling Morgan. I realize that she doesn't have to sit at a desk all day working on math, spelling, geography, etc etc. She can study about 2 or 3 pages of each subject and take a brake when she needs to. Her attention span is limited and her mind begins to wander if she sits too long on one thing. That is when we do something fun and active. Burn some energy off. Then we go back to school work. This works for Morgan. Homeschool works for Morgan. She is stress free!! I am stress free.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Morgan is and will always be our #1! We love her and are so pleased with the great opportunity homeschooling offers.